Municipal Facilities

Water Treatment, Waste Water Treatment, street lighting, public facility security cameras, Prevailing rate projects

Recent job examples for Agricultural Facilities:

Rochester Area Street Light Repair

Local Village

Street Light repair and update: Using Bucket Truck, Village street lights were repaired and updated to LED bulbs

Finger Lakes Waste Management Electrician

Municipal Waste Water Facility

Control Systems update: Rebuild buckets, update motor control system and controls for waste water pumps and equipment.

Finger Lakes Commercial Electrical Repair

County Landfill Facility

Emergency High Voltage Gate call: High voltage gate tripped due to a tree branch falling on the lines, knocking out power. Overhead lines were cleared, a new fuse link was installed and gate was closed using Bucket Truck.

Rochester LED Light Installation

Municipal Recycling Facility

Florescent light LED retrofit: Existing 4 ft. florescent lights were retrofitted with LED bulbs that do not require a ballast. Old bulbs and ballast were removed and new LED bulbs were direct wired.